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February 14, 2007



Before you jump for joy you should consider cross referencing this figure with the number of other denominations opening their doors. If 4000 churches close down but 4/5000 Mosques, Synagogues, Mandirs and/or Gurdwaras open up it's hardly cause for celebration is it?

The basic point here is to ascertain whether this is a decline in religious practice or a shift?


"Try, for example, pulling the sides of your mouth up in the shape of a smile and holding it for twenty seconds."

It works! About 10 seconds in I started giggling :-)

The Labour Humanist

Leon - There is a wealth of evidence detailing the decline of religion in the UK and in most other mature democracies. The only reason the number of mosques is increasing is the net increase of people moving to the UK from mainly Muslim countries - certainly nothing to do with them winning converts. Anyway, unless there's some kind of immigration surge I can't see 4,000 mosques and temples opening up in the next 10 years, can you?

I think the importance of flagging up research on religion's decline is to counter the opposite impression. Religion may be in the news a lot but not because there are more believers. There are fewer believers. In the near future we will have fewer and fewer believers, but they are likely to be more militant and a lot louder, constantly jumping up and down and demanding more and more tax payers money to subsidise their activities. Empty vessels...

Man Farang

I see in todays Times(15/02/07)
'Catholicism to become Britain's dominant religion'
It seems migrants are boosting the Catholic Church, a Church which is experiencing a slower rate of decline in England than the Protestant Churches.
In ROI migrants are boosting the small Protestant Churches.
The Methodist Church is enjoying growth in Ireland.


I'd still prefer to see the [cross referenced] data before being overjoyed...and yes I can see the number of mosques reaching the thousands (I think they number something like 1200 or so now) whether it hits 4000 I admit is another matter...

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