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March 23, 2007


Iain Dale

Oh desperate stuff from you there. I have never been tightlipped at all. Indeed, seeing as I said that to Jeff, that hardly looks tightlipped does it? Seeing as Sky News gets barely more than that at some points during the night I am quite happy with it. No one ever thought that internet Tv would get a mass audience - I certainly didn't. But the good things is , from our point of view, is the audience is building, especially those that download programmes after they are shown live.

You cannot compare internet TV and satelite TV.

You really should develop a less cynical side.

Now, would you like to come on as a guest?

The Labour Humanist

Blimey - that's quick. Do you have a red light flashing on your pc for posts such as this?

If not tightlipped, why has it taken so long to see some published viewing data, and even then from a third party?

As for being cynical...surely that's a case of glass houses!

Thanks but no thanks on being a guest...but if Mr Shakespeare has another £1m floating around....I'm listening.

Iain Dale

It's the wonder of Bloglines...

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  • From the folks who brought you the weekend, a sometimes happy human blogging from the left of centre and keeping it sceptical, freethinking, secular and humanist. Because every reasonable human being should be a moderate socialist – or drinker – or preferably both. “It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. Carl Sagan.

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