Well, as we know creationist second hand car salesman are now allowed to take over our schools and push their views at kids for what amounts to small change. And that the "moderate" Church of England are looking at sneaking in a bit of creationism into science lessons in "their" schools. So, in a symbolic kind of way, it's nice to see the Council of Europe pass a very strong resolution with support from delegates from the left and the right about the "dangers of creationism in education". The resolution has been supported by Labour peer Lord McIntosh and Labour MP Denis MacShane - both recent ministers in the government. Here's a snippet that shows the strength of the wording:
"...However, in recent years we have witnessed attempts to reconcile the biblical account of creation with modern science and outlaw the theory of evolution. “Creationists” pretend that “intelligent design” by a supreme entity is the scientific explanation for the universe.
Such an approach has no credibility among the scientific community but has succeeded in raising doubts in less informed minds, including persons with high political responsibilities, mainly in the USA but also in Europe. Some schools are now forced to teach creationism. The middle path of providing equal time for both merely offers a middle way between truth and falsehood."