Corporate giants in the shape of Viacom kicking sand in the face of the little guy. Christopher Knight was running for the local education board in North Carolina. He made some quirky campaign ads which he uploaded to Youtube. These ads were used in a VH1 show called "web junk 2.0". Knight amused by his new fame uploaded a clip from this show onto his Youtube page and blog. Only to find that Viacom had forced Youtube to remove the clip. So, Viacom took a video Knight had made - for non-profit purposes - used it in a commercial show without his permission - but when he put up a clip of his own material he was then charged with copy right infringement. Showing that copyright laws often have very little to do with natural justice and everyone to do with enhancing the market position of big corporations.
Anyhow, it seems from Knight's blog that Youtube have restored the clip.
(By the way, his election campaign did not secure him a place on the board.)