If you are attending this year's party conference in Bournemouth do make sure you support the fringe meeting and reception to celebrate the first conference since the establishment of the Labour Humanist Group.
The reception will feature the humanist philosopher, AC Grayling. A Distinguished Supporter of the British Humanist Association, an Honorary Associate of the National Secular Society, and author of (amongst many others) "What Is Good?: The Search for the Best Way to Live" and "Against All Gods: Six Polemics on Religion and an Essay on Kindness". His latest book, "Towards the Light: The Story of the Struggles for Liberty and Rights That Made the Modern West" is published this September. He is a lively and engaging proponent of humanist values in the modern world, and a speaker always worth hearing.
The reception is being held jointly with the British Humanist Association.
Monday, September 24, 2007
7.30 – 10.00pm
Carrington House Hotel
Knyveton Road