The phoney War on Christmas slowly grinds into gear. And so we have our first Winterval Wally of the new season. Please step forward Nathan Bevan of Wales on Sunday.
This blog is awarding (recap here) the Wally awards for journalists, bishops and anyone else who falsely trot out myths about the phoney War on Christmas.
Strangely, this first award has come around from the surprise new front of the War on Halloween.
In today's Wales on Sunday, Nathan Bevan, in a story about the War on Halloween, trots out the biggest myth about the phoney War on Christmas:
"The row is the latest in a long-running series of much maligned PC re-brands in Britain which, in 1997, saw Birmingham City Council effectively cancel Christmas – instead dubbing it Winterval – so as not to offend people of other religious faiths."
No Nathan, Birmingham did not "effectively cancel Christmas", if you'd bothered to conduct 2 minutes of desk research and you would know that. You are our first Winterval Wally of the year. Congratulations.