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October 31, 2007


Andy Mabbett

Apparently, according to:


"Only last year, a number of local authorites were criticised for re-naming Christmas lights 'Winterval' lights on the grounds that the word 'Christmas' might be offensive to non-Christians."


Nominate your person of the year at newstatesman.com

Andy Mabbett

"Christian Today" are at it again:


"a reaction to an attempt by Birmingham City Council to re-name the festive celebrations 'Winterval'"

aren't christians supposed to strive to be honest?

Andy Mabbett

The Telegraph are happy to repeat Christian Today's "Winterval" fallacy:


Andy Mabbett

And another one:


from a right-wing source, claiming that 'In 1998, Birmingham City Council decided that the term "Christmas" was potentially offensive to non-Christians. As a result, it renamed its celebrations and seasonal illuminations "Winterval".'

Will Parbury

Hi, Just added you to my feed reader. Keep up the good work.

Compass Youth

Shape the Party of European Socialists Manifesto in London!

Every major issue (and solution) has global reach and every global issue has local impact. Only by making it more relevant to people's everyday lives can we develop a more social and democratic Europe. That's why PES Activists and Compass Youth want to make connections that will keep the PES in touch with the most dynamic and innovative thinking of local activists. You are the eyes and ears of your communities so come and join the debate with our amazing line-up of speakers and feed in your ideas and opinions. We will also launch our EU Citizens for London campaign as part of this series of debates.

Check out the full series of events http://www.lme-lse.org.uk/blog/?p=51

Harry Barnes

If you are still around, see -


Valentin Vasilescu

Better you have to know who was responsible for tragedy of Darfur/Sudan, Sierra Leone, Zaire read the documents of my page : http://www.myspace.com/val2002
I was in jail because I declasified the doccuments. May be it worth.
Best regards,
Valentin Vasilescu


For Dawkins and Randi and the rest of the so-called "critical thinkers"...

The *MODEL* of mental health:


"Look at the ANGLE OF THE KEY....see that, see that...."

what a fucking idiot this Randi is.....a REAL CRITICAL THINKER.....



to see how we stopped James Randi's fraudulent MILLION DOLLAR PARANORMAL challenge.....

watch carefully the consequences of Randi's *idea*…..

For over 40 years James Randi Zwigert (is this even a REAL NAME?) has had total control over who and how the testing was conducted, yet despite all this he has terminated the challenge.

The ONLY REASON why the challenge was stopped is because he lost and refused to pay.

PS: Love the IRONY of the BULLSHI*T sign over Randi's ugly little head


Well we were asked not to use national flags my kids has a flag of Wales flying in the garden just above the hedge line I was asked to remove it or be fined, I did not remove it. At Christmas about eight years ago no shops were allowed to put Christmas lights in shops and the Christmas tree was not put up.

So if it's a lie you better tell the dam councils

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