Wow, if this story had appeared in a national newspaper we could have declared this year's phoney War on Christmas well and truly open. However, and slightly bizarrely, our latest nomination for a Winterval Wally award for trotting out myths about Winterval goes to Management Today magazine. In an article about a biblical toys franchise the magazine boldly states:
"Yet it seems like an unlikely time to be pushing religious toys, especially given that the multicultural nature of our country has already led to many schools ditching the term ‘Christmas’ in favour of the more inclusive ‘Winterval’."
Excuse me? Schools ditching Christmas in favour of Winterval! Where is the evidence for this, it's a new one on me. Of course, we know there isn't any, as evidence and truth play no part in the phoney War on Christmas.
Anyhow, as no one has put their name to this article, on the online version at least, we will have to award this Winterval Wally award to the guy who signed off this guff, Management Today editor, Matthew Gwyther. Congratulations Matthew, you are our second* Winterval Wally of the season. Happy Holidays!
* Nathan Bevan from Wales on Sunday was the winner of the first Winterval Wally award.