Excellent stuff! Yesterday in a pleasingly full Committee Room 2 in the House of Lords the Labour Humanist Group held its first public meeting.
There was a more than healthy turnout from both grassroots and PLP members (not to mention a phalanx of Young Fabians) to hear Polly Toynbee made a very good call to arms in her speech. Labour Peers Baroness Whitaker, Baroness Massey and Lord Harrison all spoke in support of the need for a Humanist orientated socialist society within the party, as did MPs Ken Purchase and Andrew Slaughter - and over the next week I'll post more details on some of the issues raised by the parliamentarians.
Malcolm Wicks also came along- how very fitting to see the science minister in a Labour administration present at the launch of a Labour Party Humanist Group.
Malcolm made a thought provoking contribution that regretted the current need to refight old battles we thought we had won as far back as the 1960s on social freedoms and rights. But Malcolm wondered whether it was simply enough to advance secular politics for him, and others, to be atheistic in their outlook and if we really needed a formal group to make the case. Some high quality debate followed these comments, but a recurring theme was the danger that a new political environment might enable a profound transfer of power and resources into the hands of socially conservative faith groups, that our party's leaders appeared hopelessly weak in the face of churches' lobbying, who after all are minority groups in our broadly secular society, and that there were signs that progressive politicians felt pressure to hide their non-religious beliefs (including one anecdote on rumours of some atheist PLP members joining the Christian Socialists in the hope Tony Blair might look upon them in a more favourable light!!!). A secular humanist outlook is representative of the values and outlook of a very large section of mainstream opinion with Labour's support and there was a feeling we simply had to be more visible.
Anyway, my hunch is that malcolm will join sooner rather than later :-)
It was also good to meet some other Labour bloggers at the event and congrats to Baggage Reclaim and Rachelapp for getting their reviews of the meeting published long before mine!
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